Story Time - Interactive Stories in Portuguese

Acquire Portuguese in a natural way, by listening to and engaging with these interactive stories

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Olá, Mia! I just finished Story Time. For me, this combination of listening, translating and reading aloud was very useful and brought me a giant step forward in my fight to command your exciting language. More please in the same style.

- Jeppe H.

Watch this video first!

  • Have you tried to learn Portuguese for a while, but you seem to be stuck?
  • Have you tried several different courses, to no success?
  • Do you feel like "traditional" classes are not your thing?
  • Do you want to try a method that will help you achieve great results, even if you only give it 20 minutes of your time a day?
  • Do you want to learn Portuguese in a fun and engaging way?
  • Do you want to become fluent in Portuguese?

If you answered YES to any (or all) of the questions above, then this course is for you!

Get started now!

Mia's Story Time is enjoyable and I believe a great addition to the other courses. It gets you to really listen closely, learn sentence structure and comprehend how the language is spoken. Mia is such a cheery, funny and skilled teacher, you cannot help but learn from her! She also encourages you to contact her with questions and you will get a quick response. We highly recommend Mia’s courses to anybody who wants to learn European Portuguese, whatever the incentive is. We are thoroughly enjoying learning Portuguese with Mia! – Obrigado/a Mia!


Story Time: Interactive Stories in Portuguese is an innovative method, that aims at teaching you Portuguese without you having to spend thousands of hours studying, reading grammar books, getting frustrated and going no where!

Story Time will teach you Portuguese in the same way that you learnt your mother tongue as a baby!

That's read it well!

Think about it with me - how did you learn your language when you were a toddler? Did you sit in the living room, while your mum told you all about grammar concepts and made you write a vocabulary list over and over again? No, right?

What you did was listening to what people were saying around you, retaining those sounds and eventually interacting with them. Then, at a later stage, you started trying to mimic those sounds and even saying your first words. Most probably, some of those words were short answers to things that people asked you.

Then, you started making your own sentences, and before you knew it, you were making your first sentences and speaking more fluently. And voilá! You had acquired your mother tongue!

Now, you must think: but ok, babies are special, they have brains like sponges.

While this is true, research in linguistics still has not been able to find a consensus about whether or not children learn languages better than adults, at least not in all areas of the language. Sure, there is a "critical age" until when a Human Being can acquire a language with a true native accent. But even there, there are some adults who have performed exceptionally well, even after that "critical age".

In fact, many studies show that often there are other factors that explain the reason why children seem to learn faster than adults.

Things like motivation (children normally NEED to learn the language because they NEED to speak to their peers at school, for example), self-criticism (adults are much more self-aware, in general, which can make them be shy and not speak the language they are trying to learn) and so on...

So, let me tell you a fact: You have what it takes to learn Portuguese.

And I am here to help you with this brand new course!

Story Time consists of a series of stories that will help you learn Portuguese in a much more natural way.

You will learn grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, without having to study for hours. With just 20 minutes a day, you will see your Portuguese becoming better from Day 1.

But what are these interactive stories?

A lot of language professionals are now using this method to teach their students. This method consists of learning the language through a series of stories that will cover many different topics.

Stories start by very simple concepts and go on to encompass much more complex topics.

You learn grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation while listening to a story.

Now you might think. But how is this possible?

The key word here is interactive. These stories are interactive. This means that you will have to interact with the story in order to proceed.

You will do that by answering questions related to the story.

By doing this, you will be engaging with the content of the story and creating new pathways in your brain, that will make you remember the story for much, much longer.

As you might know, human beings only retain a small portion of the things they learn. If they don’t repeat and really engage with the content, they are likely to forget most of it. That is exactly what happens with language learning.

Sure, more traditional courses will also help you learn some things. But more often than not, you are not acquiring them. You are not retaining them.

When you were a baby, and you were learning your own language, you heard things over and over again and you ended up retaining what you were listening to. Eventually, you went on to say your first words and then your first sentences.

But for a long time, you were just listening, until you started interacting with what you were listening. This is how you acquired your language.

And this is exactly why the interactive stories method works. Because it mimics the process you went through as a child.

Now, of course I am not expecting you to wait 2 or 3 years until you are fluent, like what happened when you were a baby.


With this method, you can jump ahead and really start actively learning from Day 1.

I made it in a way that you will be interacting with the stories right from the start, so the whole process can be accelerated.

How the Story goes...

The stories are organised as follows:

  • Each story has two parts -
    • Part 1, where I tell you the whole story (text and audio)
    • Part 2, where you will find the story and audio divided in chunks. Each chunk will consist of 1 to 3 sentences. After each chunk, there will be questions about those sentences. There will also be a short and a long answer.

So it goes something like this:

Part 1 - Whole story

There is a girl named Mia and she is from Portugal. She likes singing, dancing and reading. She loves ballet. She has two cats and a dog. Her cats are called Arya and Zoe. Her dog is called Nala.

Part 2 - Story divided in chunks with Questions and Answers

There is a girl named Mia and she is from Portugal. (Part of the story)

1- What is the name of the girl? (Question)

Mia (Short Answer).The girl is named Mia (Long Answer)

You will then answer many more questions like these.

First, you have to listen to the whole story without interruptions, and you have to learn it almost by heart; then you will be asked to proceed to the next stage, and you will listen to the stories in chunks. After each chunk, there will be a question and you are asked to give a short answer as fast and naturally as you can.

This process can be repeated several times, until you acquire the vocabulary, grammar and topics related to the story.

It might seem complicated, but it really isn't! You will just have to follow the instructions and really take your time with each story.

Each story should take you at least one week (20 to 30 min a day) to complete.

So, are you ready to take your Portuguese further and really learn like a pro?

Then sign up NOW by clicking the button below!

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Are you ready to join me for Story Time?

Every month, you will have four new stories available. Remember, you should complete one story per week. Don't rush, you want to really take time to acquire what you are learning. This will give time for your brain to create new pathways and really store the contents in your permanent memory :)

I really want you to commit and be successful, so I would recommend you do not jump any steps. Really dive in and go through the whole process with me :)

Story Time has 52 stories available, which is worth one year of stories.

The course also has a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

I hope to "see you" with me, listening to my voice at Story Time!



Your Instructor

Mia Esmeriz
Mia Esmeriz

Olá! My name is Mia, and I'm a native Portuguese speaker who has lived most of my life in the lovely city of Porto. With over 15 years of teaching experience, I’ve had the joy of helping students from all walks of life discover the beauty of the Portuguese language and culture.

As someone who loves learning languages myself, I totally get the struggles that come with picking up a new language. I’m here to make that journey easier and more enjoyable for you!

Besides my experience, I hold a Master’s degree in Teaching Portuguese as a Second Language from Porto University and another Master’s in Linguistics from Utrecht University. I bring this background to my teaching while keeping things friendly and fun.

So, whether you’re looking to pick up some basic phrases, dive into grammar, or learn about Portuguese culture, I’m here to help. Let’s explore this exciting language together!

Course Curriculum

  1. Story Time With Mia
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2. Story Time With Mia
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days after you enroll
  3. Story Time With Mia
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  4. Story Time With Mia
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  5. Story Time With Mia
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  6. Story Time With Mia
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  7. Story Time With Mia
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  8. Story Time With Mia
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  9. Story Time With Mia
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  10. Story Time With Mia
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  11. Story Time With Mia
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  13. Story Time With Mia
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  14. Story Time With Mia
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  17. Story Time With Mia
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  18. Story Time With Mia
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  19. Story Time With Mia
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  24. Story Time With Mia
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  25. Story Time With Mia
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  27. Story Time With Mia
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  29. Story Time With Mia
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  30. Story Time With Mia
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  31. Story Time With Mia
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  32. Story Time With Mia
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  33. Story Time With Mia
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  34. Story Time With Mia
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  35. Story Time With Mia
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  36. Story Time With Mia
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  37 - Story Time With Mia
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  38 - Story Time With Mia
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  39 - Story Time With Mia
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  40 - Story Time With Mia
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  41 - Story Time With Mia
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  42 - Story Time With Mia
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  43 - Story Time With Mia
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  47 - Story Time With Mia
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  49 - Story Time With Mia
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  50 - Story Time With Mia
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Get started now!

Olá Mia, I’m just writing to say thank you for the new Story Time program.

I have enjoyed the story of “os quatro amigos”, and am committing to the rest of the course, and look forward to story developing! I am happy that you only release one story per week. As a self learner, I find that I have little discipline to stay on a section, and not move on too quickly. The inability to move on, means that I actually get to benefit from the repetition, which, to be honest, can feel quite ‘boring’, but having stuck with the story and listened to both parts A and B many times, and really focused on the words (and pronunciation) I can now understand how much benefit the repetition has. Usually I would have moved on thinking that I had ‘learned’ it, when actually I haven’t learned it properly. So this is definitely a good technique.

It’s clear that my reading is much better than my listening and speaking (and I don’t get much chance to speak Portuguese), so this program really appealed to me, and it feels that it’s at just the right level – I could understand enough, but also had to look things up and check on some grammar – so it’s accessible but also pushing me. I just wanted you to know that it’s going well so far, and that I feel that it will be great value for money to keep following the program.

Muito obrigado!

- Nigel

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts as soon as you enroll. There are a total of 52 stories included.
How long do I have access to the course?
You will have access to the course forever - within reason of course - if the world or the internet goes under I cannot guarantee this. Other than that, you will continue to have access :)
Is there a money back guarantee?
Absolutely! All my courses are covered by a 30-day money back guarantee. This means that you can ask for a refund within 30 days from the time of purchase and I will refund you. No questions asked! So, the risk is all on my side. But I am sure you will like this course, so I am willing to give you the 30 days, so you can test it and see for yourself :)
How can I pay for the course?
You can pay by credit card or PayPal.
Is this course suitable for my level of Portuguese?
Story Time is suitable for all levels of Portuguese. It will benefit total beginners, but also advanced students.
What if I have questions?
You can either send an email to [email protected] and I will answer you as soon as possible or you can ask your questions directly in the course forum. There, you can also discuss topics with other students.
How many stories are included in the course?
The course consists of 52 interactive stories.

Get started now!